
Friday, April 15, 2011

Duck and Cover

Civil defense or civil protection is an effort to protect the citizens of a state from military attack. It uses the principles of emergency operations: prevention, mitigation, preparation, response, or emergency evacuation, and recovery. Programmes of this sort were initially discussed at least as early as the 1920s and were implemented in many countries, but only became widespread in the USA after the threat of nuclear weapons was realized.
Since the end of the Cold War, the focus of civil defense has largely shifted from military attack to emergencies and disasters in general. The new concept is described by a number of terms, each of which has its own specific shade of meaning, such as crisis management, emergency management, emergency preparedness, contingency planning, emergency services, and civil protection. In some countries, civil defence is seen as a key part of "total defense". For example in Sweden, the Swedish word totalförsvar refers to the commitment of a wide range of resources of the nation to its defence - including to civil protection.


  1. I wasn't aware of that, over here the Civil Protection organism is just to coordinate firefighter, medical emergency services etc...

  2. I thought were were supposed to buy lots and lots of plastic and duct tape. Or was that for anthrax or something?

  3. I hate the military industrual complex the US is stuck in :(

  4. Pretty much the same in Russia.

    If you survive nuclear blast, please take your coffin to the nearest graveyard and await in there for further assistance

  5. its ok that i thought of fallout?

  6. I remember my dad telling me about this stuff. Like anyone would attack a small town in New Mexico, but still damn it was scary.

  7. Interesting. I thought of Fallout, too

  8. Interesting and important stuff. Whether you thought of Fallout or not. :p

  9. I am probably not as prepared as I should be. I've covered for self-defense tho.

  10. kewl.. now I know how to protect my cows!^^

  11. Sometimes when I visit old buildings I see fallout shelter signs still hanging up. It's creepy!

  12. Love that video lol. Man we've come a long way in video production.

  13. Very nice blog man i will def follow and comment everyday. maybe you can do the same for my blog.

  14. Yeah, not the first or the last to say it. but Fallout NewVegas Anybody? haha. that video is so freaky! wonder how accurate it is by our modern day standards?
